Melanoma is the third most common cancer in Australia, that affects both men and woman, and the most common cancer that affects the 15 to 39year age group. Melanoma March predicts that in 2019 there will be over 1,700 deaths from melanoma – that is one Australian every five hours.

So, what is Melanoma March all about?
Melanoma March is a community walk that is held in various locations around Australia, to help to raise awareness and funds towards melanoma research. The first walk was held in Manly in 2012. The event was organised by a Sydney businessman to honour is 18-year-old son who died from melanoma, whilst also creating an opportunity to raise awareness and funds.
This event has quickly grown into a national affair that brings awareness and a fundraising campaign to support the on-going research into melanoma. This runs along-side other organisations such as; Australian Melanoma Research Foundation.
“Melanoma in March is a non-profit organisation dedicated to the goal of zero deaths from melanoma, a goal we aim to achieve through innovative, world-class research, treatment and education programs”

What is Melanoma, and its stages?
Melanoma is one of the 3 main types of skin cancer that is found in the cells of the skin called melanocytes. Melanocytes produce a dark pigment (melanin) which helps to protect the deeper layers of the skin from the suns UV radiation. When the melanocytes start to produce the pigment in an unregulated or uncontrolled way, that’s when melanoma can develop.
As the melanoma begins to grow it is confined to the upper layers of the skin and this is classed as the Stage 0, the early staged or “in situ”. The melanomas are generally localised to a specific area and have not yet penetrated below the surface of the skin. The treatment for stage 0 is surgical removal.
However, the longer the melanoma is left untreated the faster it can spread through the layers of the skin.
Stage 1, These melanomas have invaded the skin but have not ulcerated and are often slow growing. Treatment for stage 1 is surgical removal and may include a biopsy of lymph nodes that are close by, depending on the depth of the melanoma.
Stage 2, Thickness and ulceration define stage 2 melanomas. Although still considered in the early stages of melanoma, there is no lymph node involvement or further spread to other organs. After surgical removal, drug or radiation treatment is often recommended to lessen the chance of the cancer returning.
Stage 3, This stage is an advanced form of cancer and it means that it has spread to the lymph nodes. Removal of the original tumour as well as the lymph nodes is standard procedure, followed by possible drug and radiation treatment.
Stage 4, The melanoma has spread to distant skin, and other parts of the body such as the lungs, liver, brain, bone and distant lymph nodes. Drug therapy is the usual course of treatment, to help to target the affected areas, surgery maybe an option but it will not cure the patient it may only help with symptoms.

Local Events
Newcastle, The Foreshore, Camp Shortland, Nobby’s Beach on 22nd March 2020.
This is a family friendly event.
March Schedule
7:30am Event registration opens
8:40am Speeches and thanks
9:00am March commences
11:00am Event concludes
Central Coast Memorial Park, Marine Park, The Entrance Sunday 8th March 2020.
Family friendly event, and you can even bring your dog along to join in the fun. This walking route is wheelchair and pram accessible.
March Schedule
7:30am Event registration opens
9:00am March commences
11:00am Event concludes

How to register?
Search for your local event here and click the Register button to the event page.
Where does the money go?
Melanoma March is saving lives. Funds raised through Melanoma March 2020 will support a national collaborative research project working to personalise immunotherapy for patients. The Personalised Immunotherapy Project will match the treatment to the tumour, meaning better outcomes for all patients. It will roll out nationally, saving lives and benefitting all Australians.
What do I need to bring?
We recommend bringing a broad brimmed hat, sunglasses, sunscreen and wet weather gear if it is likely to rain. Wear sun-safe clothing and comfortable walking shoes. To help reduce our impact on the environment, we will no longer give out single use plastic water bottles across all our March events, so don’t forget to also bring a reusable water bottle.
Will the event be cancelled if it is raining?
No, Melanoma March will proceed rain, hail or shine! The March events will continue where possible, so be prepared to bring wet weather gear should the weather forecast predict rain. Where bad weather is a safety issue, we may cancel the March event and you will be informed by email and social media in advance.
For more FAQ please go to:
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