A great opportunity for jobseekers with disability and employers to connect for a day and experience what each has to offer on 26 – 30 November 2018
An Australian Government Initiative that allows employers to connect with jobseekers with disability to see their potential in the workplace. Employers can explore the concept of employing a jobseeker with disability, while also providing an opportunity for participants to gain an insight into a particular job or type of work. Access Ability Day is a voluntary, obligation free day for employers to have an opportunity to see the potential jobseekers with disability can bring to the workplace and learn about available Government support.
The event involves a jobseeker spending one day in a workplace. The placement gives both parties experience and allows the jobseeker and employer to explore opportunities and interests.
The event is for current and active Disability Employment Services (DES) participants looking for work. In 2017, Access Ability Day was trialled in eight sites around Australia – 244 employers registered to host approximately 440 participants for Access Ability Day.
Access Ability Day provides an opportunity for employers to;
- learn more about working with jobseekers with disability
- promote and encourage an inclusive workplace
- access a talent pool of capable people who are keen to work
- learn more about free disability employment services and support available for employers.
An employer can host as many participants across as many job types as they are able to provide within their organisation. However, each participant can only be placed in each workplace for one day.
The initiative will be available Monday 26 to Friday 30 November 2018, in the week leading up to the annual United Nation’s International Day of People with Disability on 3 December. Participants and employers can be involved in Access Ability Day on any one day of this week at a time mutually suitable to both parties.
For more information about Access Ability Day follow the links on the government website for details on how to register and find an employer or jobseeker near you. Get excited for UN International Day of People with Disability events!