Transitioning to independent living at any stage of life comes with its own unique set of circumstances and a list of associated concerns. Making the change to independent living takes planning, preparation and maybe even developing some new life skills.
With Supported Independent Living (SIL), disabled people have access to the same opportunities that non-disabled people do. SIL allows disabled individuals to live with equal opportunities and lead a fulfilling life within their communities.
If you’re considering becoming more self-reliant through independent living but haven’t come to a decision on whether or not independent living is right for you, then ConnectAbility is here to assist you in making that decision.

What is Supported Independent Living?
Supported Independent Living (SIL) assists individuals with disabilities to live independently in the community, either by themselves or with family and friends. SIL is designed to help build the skills necessary to maintain independence and increase participation in the community.
Supported Independent Living helps or supervises participants to live as independently as possible while building their skills through paid personal supports and is most commonly used in shared living arrangements but can be assigned to help those with significant needs who are living at home.
Once an individual is referred for Supported Independent Living, ConnectAbility Australia will work closely with the individual and their support network to develop a personalised Supported Independent Living plan that’s based on the individual’s unique goals, preferred lifestyle and allocated NDIS funding.
Supported Independent Living aims to assist, maintain and improve the following:
- Daily living skills (meal preparation, cooking, cleaning)
- Self-care
- Transportation services
- Household management
- Budgeting
- Social and recreational opportunities

Who can access Supported Independent Living?
ConnectAbility Australia supports people with a wide range of disabilities who either live with their families or in their own homes. We provide support to people in all areas of their life, including daily life, managing their homes, helping with budgeting and accessing health care providers as well as developing relationships and becoming involved in their community.
The aim of the ConnectAbility team is to provide support in areas where the person struggles so they can develop independent life skills to live as self-reliantly as possible.
The amount of SIL assistance you receive is determined by the level and type of support you need to live as independently as you can. Some people may require significant support to develop their independent living skills, while others require minimal support to manage daily living tasks.
According to NDIS guidelines, there are a number of things to consider when evaluating the SIL assistance you need, including:
- Your individual circumstances and needs
- Your age (SIL is funded for people aged 18 and over)
- Your goals and preferences
- Your independence, living skills and capacity-building needs
- If modifications to your home or assistive technology may increase your independence and safety
- Information, reports and assessments provided by you, health professionals and providers
- If you need person-to-person supports due to your disability support needs
- Other home and living options that could improve your independence

What are the benefits of Supported Independent Living?
One of the most common regrets expressed by people with disabilities is that they didn’t benefit from Supported Independent Living services sooner because, while the decision to become more independent can seem overwhelming, the improvement to their lives was worth the hard work.
Supported Independent Living enables people to live independently in their own homes, be part of their local communities and develop as individuals while working to achieve their goals.
We believe the right to individual support can make a huge difference to better the lives of people with disabilities and their support network. Our SIL plans are determined by the needs of the individual as recognised by them and those closest to them.
Some of the main benefits of Supported Independent Living include:
Leading a more social life
Supported Independent Living enables people to develop a full range of personal relationships and allows more opportunity to develop strong relationships with friends, relatives, colleagues and other community members.
Independent living will give you more freedom to participate in the things you love doing through social and recreational activities such as classes, support groups, activities and events. You might even find more activities and social opportunities in your community through your new found independence.
Increasing your independence and building confidence
As well as increasing your social activity, Supported Independent Living can be the start of a journey to increased independence by encouraging other confidence-building activities.
For example, many people who avail of Supported Independent Living have goals to enter education, employment or volunteering. These open up opportunities to increase independence while improving self-confidence and daily living skills.
Having more control over your decisions
People with disabilities should have the same opportunity to make choices and decisions about their lives as any other member of the community. Supported Independent Living encourages those with disabilities to make informed decisions for themselves and be supported in recognising and managing the outcomes of those decisions.
Leading a healthier lifestyle through daily living skills development
From preparing healthy meal plans to maintaining your home and taking responsibility for finances, our Supported Independent Living plan can help you to make decisions that will improve your overall lifestyle.
We want to empower people with disabilities to make good life choices and allow them the space to make decisions that will promote their personal safety, lifestyle and daily life through healthy living and habits.
Some daily living skills that we offer assistance with include:
- Meal preparation
- Personal hygiene
- Home maintenance
- Money management
- Dressing and undressing
- Mobility
- Education and employment
- Toileting
- Laundry
- Home safety
- Health and medication management
- Socialising and recreation

How is my Supported Independent Living funding determined by the NDIS?
The amount of SIL funding included in your plan depends on the level of support you will need to live independently in the housing option of your choice.
You can receive Supported Independent Living funding from the NDIS while living in:
- A private rental property
- Your own home or a home that has been purchased for you to reside in
- Community housing
- Provider managed accommodation
- Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA)

How to access Supported Independent Living in New South Wales
Individuals who require daily personal care or assistance to live independently and are based in the New South Wales area should contact the ConnectAbility Australia team to discuss the options available for them.
Established for over 25 years, ConnectAbility Australia provides tailor-made support to enable those with disabilities to live as independently as possible and access the same resources and opportunities as anyone else. We give continued support for as long as is needed to develop independence and reduce reliance on others for daily activities.
If you are starting to explore your options for Supported Independent Living we know that there are many choices to consider and a lot to learn about your options and this can be a bit daunting but our team is on-hand to assist you in making the transition.
You can contact ConnectAbility Australia to have a chat about Supported Independent Living and the different assistance options available on 02 4962 1000, by filling in our online contact form or sending us an email at