Connecting Clients with Careers
For those with disabilities and NDIS plans, having a standard quality of life can be challenging. Finding the right provider for your individual needs can also be a challenge. Disability providers cover a range of people, businesses, and organisations that supply NDIS services and support to their clients. Each provider may have different areas of expertise and experience, so it is important to find the right fit for your needs.

What is a Disability Provider?
Disability service providers cover a variety of fields of knowledge and range from large corporations or charities to independent non-profits or sole traders. You’ll want to make sure you or your loved ones are with a quality and highly recommended disability provider such as ConnectAbility who will follow the stringent government quality and safety standards regulated by the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).
Understanding that disabled people suffer from a variety of ailments and conditions, a provider should be prepared to provide not only a professional level of care and attention, but also show compassion and patience for those they work with. By employing specialised careers, we can supply a range of support and activity opportunities for our current and future clients in our ongoing effort to help you achieve your goals. Your provider should care about your wellbeing and discovering how the community can benefit or be helped from your contributions, giving you a sense of purpose and things to look forward to.
How a Disability Provider Can Help
There is a provider out there that is the perfect fit for you and your needs, depending on your level of disability and needed support. From providers who help support you through a rough patch, to ones who are there for you throughout the rest of your life, providers are suited to different needs. Whether you need help with daily activities, learning how to live on your own, or aged care support, our careers are well versed and experienced in helping with a variety of disabilities and low to high functioning individuals. Thanks to the NDIS, individuals have more choice and control over how, when, and where they receive support and services are tailored to your needs, goals, and aspirations.

Domestic Tasks
From helping you live independently at home or through a shared living arrangement, your carer can help with a variety of domestic and household tasks from vacuuming or washing up, to dusting or general cleaning. Our goal as a support provider is to provide you with the tools you need to help you with supporting your home environment and independence. Our team collaborates with you to develop skills in using and maintaining household appliances ensuring your safety and a safe home environment.
Civic, Community, and Social Activities
It’s not always easy to get yourself to and from events, and we want our clients to be an active participant in their communities. That’s why as a part of your NDIS plan, your carer can assist you with going shopping, to the gym, and even to major events like concerts/plays/sporting events. Disability providers are uniquely situated and equipped to help you access everything you need and never thought possible.

Prepare for your first meeting
Depending on your NDIS plan (self-managed or plan manager), you will have a choice of providers and the opportunity to sit down and discuss your goals and needs. By being able to discuss what you’re looking for in a provider, you’ll be better prepared to find the perfect fit. You may also want someone to come along with you.
While many NDIS providers have a lot of information on their websites or in pamphlets, the NDIS suggests writing down the following questions to take along with you to your initial meeting.
- How will the support I receive help with my disability-related needs?
- Do I still need this support and is it still helping me?
- Does my NDIS plan include the funds for this type of support?
- How often should I be receiving this support and how long will each appointment be?
- What days do I want to receive the support services?
- What experience does my career have with my disability?
- How much will my support cost?
- What added costs are there? I.e., travel or report writing
- Can the provider work with me when I need them to?
- How long do they think I’ll need the support?
- How can I get the most out of the services?
- What should I bring to the sessions?
- How often will there be reviews to decide whether the support is helping?
- What experience do they have with the NDIS?
- Self-managing – How do I pay for the services? Will there be an invoice and receipt?
- Plan-managed – Do I need to do anything for my plan manager to pay?
- What do I want to know about the support?
- How can I change to someone else or stop services if no longer needed?
The best part about this resource is the downloadable tip sheets for before, during, and after your first meetings, which you can use to discuss with your support network to figure out which provider will be best for meeting your needs and comfortability.
Depending on your disability provider, the availability of activities or resources will vary. That’s why support companies like ConnectAbility created purpose-built centres which cater for a broad range of goals and interests for participants, including a variety of in-house programs. Having access to a provider with a fleet of accessible vehicles and travel training in a central location, can positively change how you are able to interact with your local community.

Looking Forward
We recommend finding a disability provider who doesn’t focus just on your disability, but helps you see what you can do despite it. Our team is happy to help you with whatever skills development you need to help you live as autonomously as possible with all the confidence needed to access your local and beyond community services. If you’re ready to change how you interact with the world around you, call the team at ConnectAbility on (02) 4962 1000 for Warabrook or the Central Coast team on (02) 4349 3700.