Where can I find Assistive Technology and Mobility Equipment in the Newcastle area?
Before you go looking for mobility equipment or assistive technology, you should first, check to see if you are entitled to any funding or additional support. Those who have been assessed and approved under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), need only check their NDIS plan or talk to their Case Managers to see if they are eligible.
As we know, everything changes over time, so if you feel you may need these items in the future or if you have only just started your application process for the NDIS, then you can see what is covered by checking the NDIA Assistive Technology and Consumables Code Guide. This is available to download from the NDIS website.
Mobility equipment and assistive technology are an essential part of many people’s lives. Finding the best source for that equipment & finding out what is available can be a daunting task. I hope to make that task just a little easier by listing some of the top mobility equipment, disability equipment and assistive technology suppliers in the Newcastle area.
1. Independent Mobility & Rehab
With over 36 years of combined experience in the mobility industry, this company has an extremely capable team standing by to assist with mobility aids, assistive technology, and rehabilitation equipment for each customer’s individual needs. Their team will come up with a custom mobility solution, which may involve trialling your choice of mobility equipment before you purchase. How good is that?
To go one better, they have both new and used mobility equipment available for hire and purchase. Independent Mobility & Rehab supply a huge range of scooters, walkers, reachers, and jar and bottle openers. Independent Mobility & Rehab have the added advantage of being a registered NDIS Provider. Check them out for yourselves at https://www.imr.net.au, phone them on 02 4952 2264, or visit their premises at 144 Lambton Road, Broadmeadow NSW 2292.
2. Newcastle Mobility
Newcastle Mobility also has the advantage of being a registered National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Provider. To become a registered provider, a company must meet set requirements for experience, the capacity to supply the approved support, and qualifications. Newcastle Mobility sources aids from 21 different brands including bathroom aids, bedroom aids, daily living aids, manual wheelchairs, motorised mobility aids, transfer aids, and a robotic feeding device which will give new confidence and independence to the user. They also have nifty little helpers like key turners and kettle tippers.
Newcastle Mobility is conveniently located at 46 Maitland Road, Islington NSW 2296. They can be contacted on 02 4962 4007 or visit the website at https://newcastlemobility.com.au for more information.

3. Alphacare
Alphacare is also a trusted NDIS Registered Provider, offering NDIS participants a comprehensive range of health care and rehabilitation equipment. Alphacare works not only with participants but also with their families and case managers. Alphacare has a Private Scripting and Assessment Showroom where clients’ can trial equipment and products in a private setting with the support of their experienced Rehabilitation Equipment Team. Alphacare provides solutions for Aged Care, Allied Health, Community Care, the Department of Veterans Affairs, and the NDIS. The products available range from bathroom and toilet aids to beds, chairs, cushions and seating systems, daily living aids, wheelchairs and transport.
If you are looking for help with everyday tasks, please check out the range of daily living aids on the website at https://alphacare.com.au/daily-living/ which include tap turners, button hooks, and adaptable cutlery. You can contact Alphacare on 1300 930 930 or visit them at 109 Munibung Road, Boolaroo NSW 2285.
4. Hospital at Home
Hospital at Home has an amazing variety of equipment available, but it is the little things that they can help you with that will make all the difference to your future comfort. The Peak Gel Seat Pad for instance. This is a foam and gel cushion that is designed to disperse pressure and improve levels of comfort. They have a range of back supports catering from lower spine support all the way through to total spine support, and a full range of pressure mattresses and overlays to supply gentle and dynamic support while stimulating the flow of blood and lymphatic fluids. Hospital at Home also has a range of calendar clocks with large displays to assist dementia sufferers.
The company is a Registered NDIS Provider and supplies a full range of bathroom, bedroom, daily living, mobility, and transport aids. Hospital at home can be contacted on 02 4954 4723 or via the website at https://hospitalathome.com.au. Hospital at Home is conveniently located at 1/69 Munibung Road, Cardiff NSW 2285.
5. Local Mobility
Local Mobility is a business owned by Novocastrians who opened their first shop in Maitland in 2009. This store became popular with clients all over Newcastle, Lake Macquarie, Port Stephens and the Central Coast. This success led to the opening of a second store in Cardiff , and continues with a just-introduced a wonderful range of hand-crafted electric recliner chairs with varying seat widths and backrest heights. These will not only assist the user with relaxing and standing, they also look great & feel comfortable too.
Local Mobility supplies practical exercise and therapy devices such as pedal exercisers, a range of comfortable slings and supports, and TENS machines to get you back on your feet after an injury. Local Mobility also supply a range of medical grade footwear to fit any foot. Come in and let them measure you up for that perfect medical support shoe or for supremely comfortable every day footwear. Local Mobility also has a cool range of portable ramps for every occasion, there are soft rubber threshold ramps, wheelchair ramps, and a range of indoor and outdoor ramps to turn all those lumps and bumps into smooth riding. Local Mobility supplies a full range of bathroom, bedroom, daily living, lifting, manual handling, transport, and mobility aids. They can be contacted via 02 4956 9993 for the store at 365 Main Road, Cardiff or 02 4933 9999 for the 461A High Street, Maitland location or via the website at https://www.localmobility.com.au.

Image from Alphacare.com.au
6. Motoring Mobility
Motoring Mobility is a leading company in the field of vehicle modifications for wheelchair access in Australia. They have years of experience in affordable solutions to suit many different budgets. Motoring Mobility also design and manufacture floor installations, ramps, and hoists for private and commercial mobility assistance vehicles. All vehicles supplied by Motoring Mobility are in accordance with Australian Industry Standards and comply with Australian design rules, and they are accredited by the NDIS.
A major feature of Motoring Mobility is that they have a showroom for you to visit for demonstrations and they are happy to bring the vehicle to your place for a convenient test drive. Motoring mobility are located at 1-11 Acculade Avenue, Morisset NSW 2264 and can be contact on 0404 141 906 or via the website at https://www.motoringmobility.com.au.
While this is just the tip of the iceberg as far as assistive and mobility support suppliers in Newcastle is concerned, it does give a good idea about what each of these companies has to offer and some specialty items that you may wish to consider.
If you have a need for any of the items listed then, please contact these suppliers for assistance with your specific requirements.